With Record High Enrollment Covered California Celebrates the 15th Anniversary of the Historic Affordable Care Act
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SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Covered California Executive Director Jessica Altman issued the following statement about the 15th anniversary of President Barack Obama’s signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010.
“Reflecting on that momentous day, we see the impact the law has had on over 50 million Americans, granting them access to vital health insurance. For 15 years, the Affordable Care Act has been a beacon of hope, enabling millions across California and the nation to obtain the coverage they need. Despite challenges to weaken or dismantle the law, this landmark legislation continues to provide health and security to over 24 million Americans in 2025. At Covered California, we stand committed to build upon the Affordable Care Act’s legacy and ensure that its promise reaches every corner of our state.”
Since Covered California launched in 2014, more than 6.3 million Californians — or about one in six — have had health insurance through the marketplace at one point in their lives. Additionally, the state’s uninsured rate has fallen from 17.2 percent in 2014 to 6.4 percent in 2023, the largest percentage-point drop for any state in the nation during the Affordable Care Act era.
However, there is a risk of reversing this progress, unless action is taken by Congress to extend the enhanced tax credits that are set to expire at the end of the year. Data shows that on average, these tax credits save consumers an additional $101 on premium costs each month. That includes over 170,000 middle-income enrollees who could lose tax credits all together.
Since the passage of the enhanced premium tax credits through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, enrollment in Covered California has increased for four consecutive years, bringing total enrollment to a record number of 1,979,504 consumers following the 2025 open-enrollment period.
About Covered California
Covered California is the state’s health insurance marketplace, where Californians can find affordable, high-quality insurance from top insurance companies. Covered California is the only place where individuals who qualify can get financial assistance on a sliding scale to reduce premium costs. Consumers can then compare health insurance plans and choose the plan that works best for their health needs and budget. Depending on their income, some consumers may qualify for the low-cost or no-cost Medi-Cal program.
Covered California is an independent part of the state government whose job is to make the health insurance marketplace work for California’s consumers. It is overseen by a five-member board appointed by the governor and the Legislature. For more information about Covered California, please visit www.CoveredCA.com.