File an Appeal or Complaint
You can file an appeal by downloading and filling out the Request for a State Fair Hearing to Appeal a Covered California Eligibility Determination form. Or, complete the Covered California complaint form online.
Your eligibility notice explains what you are eligible for and the programs for which you do not qualify. Depending on your eligibility results, you may appeal any of the following:
You were denied enrollment into a Covered California health plan.
The amount of premium assistance (tax credits that help pay your monthly premium) is not correct.
The level of cost-sharing reduction (help paying your out-of-pocket expenses) is not correct.
You were denied eligibility for an exemption from the individual shared responsibility penalty.
Covered California did not process your information in a timely manner.
Covered California stated that you were not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national or a lawfully present individual living in the United States.
Covered California stated that your application was incomplete.
You do not have other health insurance (such as free Medi-Cal or employer-sponsored insurance) that prevents you from qualifying for insurance through Covered California.
Covered California stated that you are not a California resident.
Covered California stated that you did not pay your monthly premiums by your due date.
Covered California stated that your income is too low to qualify for Covered California coverage.
In the event that one of the above situations applies to you, you have the option to file an appeal.
You can also look into getting help through our Ombuds Office for other kinds of grievances.
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