Health Insurance Costs Less Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act

Many Californians qualify for quality health insurance at a low monthly premium thanks to the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act.

A Covered California member who has saved money on health insurance through   the American Rescue Plan plays in his living room with is baby and wife.

More financial help is available than ever thanks to the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act. A whopping 2.4 million Californians stand to benefit, getting quality health insurance for less. How much help? People who enroll save an average of $6,000 a year! What’s more, nine out of 10 enrollees get financial help and many pay $10 or less per month for their monthly premium.

What Is the American Rescue Plan?

Signed into law on March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan was a stimulus package to speed up our country’s recovery from the financial and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For Californians, that meant $3 billion of federal funds that helped lower the cost of health insurance.

What is the Inflation Reduction Act?

The American Rescue Plan helped people get back on their feet and now this help has been extended through 2025 by the Inflation Reduction Act. Californians will receive an additional $5.1 billion in financial help for health insurance. Households across the state can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on their monthly premiums.

Even if you haven’t qualified for financial help in the past, now’s the time to check! You may be eligible.

How Much Can You Save on Health Insurance?

Thanks to these subsidies, having health insurance costs a lot less.

There's more financial help available than ever, making health insurance a lot more affordable - here's the breakdown.

Accessible Version of Inflation Reduction Act + Covered California = Big Health Insurance Savings Infographic

Consider this: Individuals making less than $25,760 a year are getting quality health insurance plans for just $43 a month on average. Families of four with a total household income less than $53,000 are paying just $81 a month on average. That’s roughly a 93% savings off gross premiums on average, with around 404,000 Californians getting brand-name plans for free. Those who were previously ineligible for federal financial help are now saving about $580 a month on their monthly premiums, a reduction of more than 50%!

The American Rescue Plan helps many people at different income levels. No matter how much you make, you won’t spend more than 8.5 percent of your household income on health insurance premiums for a benchmark Silver plan. Find out how much financial help you might be eligible for and just how affordable health insurance can be at

Getting Covered

If you do need to secure coverage, Covered California offers financial help for quality brand-name health insurance. You can apply during open enrollment or if you have a major life change like loss of health coverage, change in your household size, or other qualifying event For most life events, you have 60 days from the date of that event to enroll.

People with low incomes of up to 150 percent of the federal poverty line, or those who qualify for Medi-Cal, can apply year-round.

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